How to Add More than 256 Members in Whatsapp Group without Root

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The group admin automatically has the ability to add, block, or remove someone from the group. Do you want to add more WhatsApp group members without root? When it comes to discussing some information, having many pals in a WhatsApp chat group is always a good idea.

Only so many members can be added to a WhatsApp group. By increasing the group size, you can increase the maximum limit as well. Using the tactics, you may add 3,000 users to your WhatsApp group. Increase the 2020 cap.

WhatsApp groups only allow 256 members at a time.

The real reason behind the user's limit is unknown, but it is the company's decision and that choice increases day by day. Although, the reasons are provided below for your information and guidance.

Limitations of WhatsApp group users

Certain factors limit the number of WhatsApp groups that can be created. prioritizes individuals. Teaming up with the group's members will help the admin gain more popularity and help boost the group's value.

limiting talks

There's little doubt that a cap on users will result in restricted usage. Say if a WhatsApp group allows for an unlimited number of members. The members of the group will experience difficulties when viewing all chats. As you scroll to examine all the messages, you will lose interest in the group.

core issue

Perhaps something is wrong with WhatsApp. Because of that, WhatsApp groups cannot be made bigger than the number of allowed people. Facebook is striving to fix the system and increase the number of users. We're expecting to see a WhatsApp group member increase.

Add invite-sharing support for up to 3,000 users (without root)

The 256-user WhatsApp Group restriction is just a fiction. Thus, you can add more than the limit users to a single WhatsApp chat group by sharing the link. For yourself, you can add up to 256 users, but it is not the actual group limit. Let's say you wish to store up to 3,000 additional records. To assist you boost the maximum group members, this hack will be useful.

Ways to get more group members

Follow these procedures to raise the number of users from 256 to 3000: share the invite link.

  • Click to open WhatsApp
  • Open WhatsApp Group to enter
  • Select the menu from the upper-right corner.
  • Access group information from the menu
  • After that, tap on Invite to Group via Link and Share the Link with others and groups.
  • Open WhatsApp and select Group Name
  • tap on the name of the group
  • choose the group info option
  • Specify a group.
  • Select Invite Via Link Expand
  • Select Invite by Link.
  • Share link to increase your added limit

After then, the more users hit the link, the higher the number of WhatsApp groups they can join simultaneously.

How to increase the WhatsApp group limit

Want to add over 10,000 WhatsApp group members while utilising the ES-Explorer method? This is a great software to help boost your chat group limit. Thus, your phone must be rooted in utilising ES-Explorer. Download and instal the ES-Explorer file manager from the Google Play store. Just follow the easy procedures below to increase your limit.

The next stage is to ensure that the Root Explorer app is switched on. Root Explorer is now active.

Procedures to increase user limit

  • Open the ES-Explorer app
  • Menu or three lines bar icon.
  • Choose the Local option, and then Home from the menu.
  • Tap to open the Android folder
  • To get to the next screen, tap on the Data folder.
  • The next step is to tap on the com.whatsapp folder.
  • Once open, you will find a folder named Shared prefs
  • When you access the folder, the file name is "com.whatsapp prefer"
  • Next, tap the file, then from the More menu select the Properties
  • Select the Change button to adjust permissions
  • Check permissions and save it
  • Find the line participants size limit and modify the values to 9999.
  • Touch Home
  • tap on the Android Data folder
  • Com.WhatsAppPrefer
  • Tap the "Dots" and choose "property"
  • gauge Restrict
  • Select Change
  • tick the box and OK
  • tick the box and OK
  • Select OK
  • Change the Participants size limit value

That is all. Now you've increased the maximum number of people per WhatsApp group chat. To adjust the value there, simply increase the limit of users.


Here is a simple approach to have a limitless number of WhatsApp group members: To be able to root your smartphone, you must use the ES-Explorer. Other group members, as well as your friends, are free to distribute the group invite link.

Frequently ASK QUESTIONS: 

Here are some questions usually posed about extending the limit of the WhatsApp group.

How can I get more than 256 users on WhatsApp?

To add more than 256 up to 10,000, instal the ES-Explorer software and then follow the previous technique. When you've shared the link, your friends will also receive it.

How do I raise the group cap in WhatsApp?

The ES-Explorer can be installed and shared with your WhatsApp buddies and chat groups. Method can be learned using the following step-by-step instructions.

How many members can a WhatsApp group have?

Increase the limit of 256 to 3000 people by using the sharing link with additional WhatsApp contacts and groups. To increase the limit to 10,000 users, use the two steps shown above.

Can we grow the group on WhatsApp?

The limit will increase from 256 people in a single WhatsApp chat group. Follow the methods below to extend the WhatsApp chat group limit from 256 to 10,000 or even unlimited.

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